Legal Updates for Emerging-Growth Companies and Funds

Silver's Fizza Khan presents legal updates for venture capital funds and their investment advisers at the New York State Bar Association ("NYSBA") Business Law Section Spring Meeting.

On May 29, 2019, Silver’s CEO, Fizza Khan, presented “Legal Updates for Emerging-Growth Companies and Funds” at the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) Business Law Section Spring Meeting. Interpreting how the Venture Capital Exemption impacts investment advisers, Fizza’s presentation delves into what is considered to be a venture capital fund (“VCF”), what the SEC defines as qualifying investments and portfolio companies, as well as the specific limitations and requirements venture firms must satisfy to qualify for an exemption from investment adviser registration. She also outlines the key reporting requirements, rules and regulatory deadlines in which a VCF and its investment adviser must adhere.

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